Running Thoughts

Daily thoughts that may inspire or kick start something new.

Friday, September 12, 2003

Friday - busy weekend coming up with friends, going from one place to the next. Had coffee with fellow youth pastors this morning. We talked about women preaching. Good discussion - I believe that women can teach if her motives are right. That would go for anyone preaching. I am not into people with hidden agenda's. So test the person speaking make sure they are legit no matter who it is.
Trying to work on keeping in shape, so we start hockey tonight, yeah! Keep it real no funny stuph.

Thursday, September 11, 2003

all right so missed a day. Yesturday was crazy. On Wed. i have youth group - i am a youth pastor in a church in canada. Wed. are the time we get together and hang. So during the day i go crazy. but yesturday was an exception. I bought a used computer for my girlfriend and then went golfing with her dad. I also am working on a video that needed to be sent to calilfornia monday - video is done and on its way and should be there for friday.
right well, stressful wednesdays. all good right now, I am trying to get things going for events with youth and doing bochures and well staying busy.
Weather has changed a bit here in sunny victoria but we need the rain. all good, no probs.

Tuesday, September 09, 2003

This is my first day writing something. It is mid afternoon where my mind goes to mush and I tend to sleep in my chair. But I sparked a new idea and said - let's do the blog thing. Yeah! I like it! So what goes on in my head? I have an ongoing dialog in my head that goes from everyday life to relationships, jobs and where I would like to be in 20mins. from now. I can't think to far into the future. Do you agree? Well my hope is to write every morning before I start work. My thought for today is - I might be on a reality tv show! Nuts and crazy but I just submitted an application and I am working on a video. We will see. What show would you like to be, why? Well more later - enjoy my random thoughts