Running Thoughts

Daily thoughts that may inspire or kick start something new.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

New Home

After 3 years in our first home we are moving. Ever since the twins have become mobile we realized we needed more space. We also would like to have our dog in our house and with the size of our dog and the size of our house it wouldn't work. So we went looking. We have seen lots of homes and now that the weather is better we thought we might stop looking. We can now enjoy the backyard and that is like having another room in your house. Well, we ended up finding a house that met our criteria. We are picky people and if you have been to our current house we love our house. So, we found this house in a good price range and in a good area and so we went to look at it. Oh did we fall in love, I mean I love the first house but this is a great house that would meet our needs. Yeah! we started the process and we have now signed the paper work and now we just need to sell our house. Oh I believe that won't be a problem. So here are some pics of our new house, let us know what you think.


Blogger Bev said...

Yee haw - it looks amazing - glad to see you posting on the blog again!! :) (Tell all those facebook folks to come look at your blog!!)

We're so excited for you guys.

B & B

9:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looks great!

Hey, is that Spencer's old tank in the living room? :)


11:06 AM  

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