Running Thoughts

Daily thoughts that may inspire or kick start something new.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

A childs Mind

Watching life through the eyes of a child is amazing. You know I don't remember what my first 3 1/2 years where like. If I try real hard I think I can remember some things that happened when I was 3 1/2 or 4 but before that my mind is blank. I thank my parents and siblings for the stories and the odd pictures that may turn up, so I have an idea of what took place when I was a young lad.
Now that I have my own kids and they are now 10 months, it is fascinating to see things that I take for granted become new discoveries. First, they are vacuum cleaners, they will find the smallest of things on the ground and try to eat them. I have never really looked at dirt like they do, it is cool! Then they try to get into everything like they are on the Discovery Channel filming a mysterious adventure into the unknown. They are busy! My favorite time is at the end of the day when they crawl up into my lap and snuggle. I know that one day it will all change but my hope is they remain innocent for a long time and that every day is a new adventure waiting their imagination.


Blogger Rob Petkau said...

I'm so happy for you bro. I was getting tired of you trying to snuggle me.

8:19 AM  
Blogger Colin Monty said...

Thanks, but I will snuggle with you too. Hope all is well.

10:53 AM  
Blogger Bev said...

It always blows me away that all this work that we do for our kids in their early years will not be remembered by them - at least not specifically - but I think we can be encouraged that they will grow up knowing they are loved and protected. Don't you just wish you could freeze your kids and make them stay at this age just a little longer?

Really, could your babies be any cuter???

9:27 PM  
Blogger coolmonty said...

Thanks Bev. I think they are cute and as much as I think it would be cool to keep them this small for a while longer, I can't wait till they walk and talk. I don't know if I want them to be teenageres but for sure under 5.

10:10 AM  

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