Running Thoughts

Daily thoughts that may inspire or kick start something new.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Cutting Edge

How do you stay on the cutting edge? How do you stay current and relevant and you know out there? I don't know if it is the weather or I just need a vacation. But I am finding it hard to be creative and stay on the cutting edge. I mean I have ideas but not always the time or means of making them reality. Truly, and I say this a lot, I would love an administrator. Someone who could help my dreams become reality. I would love for a team that we meet regularly and talk about ministry and ways to be more creative and on the edge. I think the churches and ministries that are on the edge and out there are churches that have money and resources. I am not complaining I am just ranting. That is what a blog is for, right? So, I once again am throwing out the question. How do you stay relevant and cutting edge?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Colin -

I will assume this photo was digitally altered. Because YIKES I find it hard to imagine sticking scissors through your tongue...ewwwww....


P.S. I do read the comments on my blog - thanks for all of yours today - I should have included you with my friend Laura as being someone who does leave comments.

P.S. #2 I think I may have posted these comments twice by accident - if I did - well then, it's a bonus for you, oh lucky one!

10:38 PM  
Blogger Colin Monty said...

I believe the picture to be real. It is someone who has a tongue piercing and put a pair of sissors through it. OUCH!

Thanks Bev all so fun this blog thing. I wish Elaine would blog, they would be so fun

12:35 PM  

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