Well, it has been raining cats and dogs for almost a week. It is like the clouds held onto the rain all summer and now they have let it all go. I hope this means it will be a dry winter. Who am I kidding, this is Victoria the Wetcoast. The rain can bring on so many different types of emotions from happy to sad. I guess really any weather can make you happy or sad. I don't mind the rain in bits and pieces. I do mind the rain when it seems to feel like you are standing under a waterfall. I feel ok I guess, not sad not happy, just in the middle. There are things I am looking forward to that make me happy but overall, I am mediocre. I seem to exist and strive to reach the end of the day. I have lots of ideas of what I would like to be doing but I end up overwhelmed and don't do anything. I need a better time schedule, something that tells me when to start something and then when to move on to the next thing. Oh where is the genie bottle?
It all starts with the rain, I think I get more done when the weather is better. So here I am once again pressing on to get a few things done today and go home to my little family.