It's been a bit since I last wrote. Well today I am working on a bible study dealing with Peter's denial of Christ. What a disappointment. I think of myself and wonder how I would of stood up to the test. I mean Christ even told Peter before it happened. So how did he fall into it. Do I do it? Of course I do, so often I meet people who don't know Jesus and I avoid saying anything. I either play their game and do what they do, or I just never use the opportunity to say anything. Then I wonder if in their minds they're say, "I thought Colin is a Christian, doesn't act like it." But they don't confront me. I just hear the rooster crow and cry to God that I failed him once again and try to avoid God. Ha that's a joke, avoid God. He comes calling for me like "Hide and seek," and He finds me and says, "Do you love me," and I say, "Yeah of course I do." Like He doesn't know, then we go through it a few more times till I get it and He restores me. What a God we serve.
Thanks God