Running Thoughts

Daily thoughts that may inspire or kick start something new.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

What is Vision - What is Mission?

What does a dream look like and how do we get them going? Yes blogging becomes a lot of questions and hopefully answers as this verbal diarhea continues. Forward momentum. I am one of three Pastors in a decent size church. I would say we are a progressive church, yet over the years we seemed to have down sized our ministry. Why does this occur? One reason is because of the need for volunteer help. Everyone wants something to happen so that they have something to choose on a Friday night, but not many are willing to dream and lead something. So how do we motivate people into action? Probably an age old question. Can it be solved?

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Why Blog?

It seems that there are some people who blog every 5 min. and then there are others who blog once a month or worse once a year. What's with that? Now I know I haven't blogged here for a while, but that is because I blog on a community one called ALTER the hook up is this. but I think I will begin to blog daily here again. I need to get my thoughts out and play therapist with myself. Don't you agree? Blogging is like therapy! Yeah!
So I think I am a little depressed. Funny to say, because if you think you are depressed are you? It seems like most people who are depressed don't really know it. They just are down and don't know why. But for me, I have been visionless and directionless for a while. I should be at the top of my game, I have everything going for me. I recently got married to a beautiful woman who makes me very happy most of the time. I only say that because she makes me think a lot and challenges me. That is why I love her, we have a working relationship that challenges each other at the same time supportive. She will make me become a better person and I hope that I do the same for her. But yeah, married in a good job, lots of friends, awesome family. I live in one of the most beautiful places in the world, I am healthy (I think), I have money in the bank, clothes on my back, food in my stomach and a roof over my head. Yes, I have debt, but don't we all? I don't have creditors knocking down my door yet. So yeah, there I am, I got the world by the tail and yet I feel like curling up in bed and staying there for the next year. I hated getting up but I do because people count on me. I am thankful for that. I also love God and get up to worship him. So where am I? What is going on? How do I get out of this funk?
That is why I will blog - Therapy!